Saturday, July 17, 2021

Part 2 - coming home through Rist Canyon Road

After our shop up, we picked up a Firehouse Sub to split and headed back home via the route through Bellevue up the Rist Canyon Rd to  Stove Prairie Rd and eventually west on Hwy 14. Such a pretty area, we saw a white picket fence with hollyhocks in bloom in front of it - wished I'd been able to take a pic, but not to be, (next time?).

Found a likely spot to pull over and have our sub - what a view, what a lawn! 

Our lunch spot at the top of the hill. Great view.

Once we made it back over to the Stove Prairie Road we decided to make a foray into the Sky Corral Ranch byway, part of which is open to traffic.  Apparently they host events on the property and we could certainly see why - gorgeous. Horses, llamas and stone buildings, nice!

A lovely came over to check me out.

Cool artwork on the door.

Me thinks the big boss lives here.

Check out the horse bronzes.

I'm amazed at the number of yellow daisy bushes up on the north side of the canyon wall by our RV resort.  Another thing we have in abundance is cottonwood fluff! Some days it's looks like it's snowing.  The laundry building had a frilly, pretty, pink peony so I included a shot of that too.

Tons of yellow daisies.

Cottonwood fluff (all over)

My Mom used to grow peonies in Roch, NY - so pretty!

Thanks for stopping by for a visit, I hope it brought a spot of sunshine to your day.

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