
 I have pretty much always been crafty, and a maker of things. Over the years I've delved into many craft realms; pottery and clay work, stained glass, simple bead work, macrame, woodworking, rock painting, and the list goes on. I guess I get little bored after a while and move on to the next interesting craft idea. Lest you get the wrong idea, I generally circle back around and have another go again. After we moved back into a house I set up a display area for my trivets and purses one weekend during a neighborhood yard sale event. I've always had in mind to do craft fairs but felt I needed to have more on offer than just the trivets.

Now that I have developed my Beadworks & Bobby-Dazzlers platform, which includes my copper jewelry, dazzlers, and trivets, I've begun in earnest to market my items, (I only have so much room, you know?).

I've got a workable booth setup and have started attending craft fairs in my area. We'll see how it goes, but so far, it's a lot of fun, and I hope I'm making people happy!

I started working with copper wire jewelry making about 3 years ago and focused mainly on semi-precious pendant necklaces and adjustable bangle-style bracelets. Here's a sample assortment.

Custom Copper wire-wrapped Jewelry

My Bobby-Dazzlers are a more whimsical expression of beadwork. Shiny, sparkly and colorful, these are sure to brighten-up someone's day as a suncatcher, in a window or on a patio, somewhere the sun's rays can spark up some flash off of the facet crystals. Some of my pieces are loosely realistic; butterflies, dragonflies, flowers, hearts, small moon or sun pieces, and some are just nice freeform swirls. All are bright and colorful, and range in size from micro, 1.5"x3", mini, 3"x5", small, 4"x6" and on up. Some samples, the assortment changes all the time.

Out in the sun they really sparkle.

The trivets have been around a long time, I started making them on the boat back in 2015. I bet I've made close to a hundred over the years. Again, it's about the colorful, cheerful fabrics and the freeform swirls.

 Here's a few samples of the twisty trivets and purses I've made.

I've also begun to make a new style of trivet based on a puff quilt project I did a year or so ago. I just loved how it turned out and thought it might make a cute trivet. I wish you could see the puffiness to the squares.

More about the trivets can be seen on the Trivet/Stained Glass page above - (it is a legacy page off our sailing website

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed exploring my craft zone! 😊

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