Wednesday, February 12, 2025

February's Flying, food, crafts and fun

Wow, I'm kind of behind on the blog having had such a busy few weeks. Doing what exactly? Getting ready for the K9 adoption and craft fair, visiting with friends passing through and my favorite, cooking. Also, I've been having a great time with my crafting pursuits, making more inventory, creating new, fun dazzlers and upscaling some of my booth displays.

So, the craft fair was a mixed result. I don't begrudge the organizers at all, and they had great success with some 18 adoptions. But because it was so dog-centric, there weren't a lot of browsers or much foot traffic. Most of the booths around me were in the same boat, not many sales. I jokingly chalk it up to people figuring out just how much pet ownership can cost. That's OK though, I still made enough to cover my costs and donated most of the rest. It was a beautiful day weather-wise, and here's a shot of one side of my booth.

It's kind of hard to see much about the
inventory, but I had a lot with me.

I put together a Valentine's Day display area for some of my "heart" Dazzlers and had a Valentine's Day helium balloon for outside the booth. Well, the display was fun to make, and I did sell one of my bigger hearts. Fun to make is the name of the game for me. I like to spend my time doing something other than housework or shopping or baking (ugh, my waistline).

Anyway, moving on, we had a great get-together lunch with cruiser friends passing by in their trailer on their was south. We met Heather and Scott (Vermont'ers when at home) back in the mid-2000's when we were in the Bahamas getting ready to head down into the Caribbean for the grand adventure. Fun, knowledgeable and great company, we would see them here and there in the various anchorages and get together aboard 'Scott Free', their gorgeous Nauticat 43' or onboard our sailboat. It was a fun reminiscent session and we got caught up on the whereabouts of common friends.

From the left; me, Ed, Heather and Scott

Speaking of friends, I had a great lunch with Nancy, another ex-cruising friend who currently lives in Jacksonville. Here she is with her magnificent sushi/sashimi plate - wow.

That was a work of art and even 
included fog from dry ice.

More great looking sunrises too, and good weather all around except for about a week of cold, gloomy-looking weather. I think we had 1 or 2 hard freezes but we were ready for them.

We love our lake

We also celebrated our 50th anniversary mid-January, with a romantic evening at home. So wonderful to have a lifetime of memories with someone you love. 💖 We both appreciate how very blessed we've been to have found each other all those long years ago.

On to the upgrade of my custom jewelry display. I had DIY'ed a display of sorts which I used at my first craft fair last year. It was pretty rinky-dink and I wanted something more polished and professional that didn't break the bank, and this is what I ended up. I like it, it breaks down and stores easliy.

The sides of the necklace display fold in for storage
and the 3 bracelet displays come off the base
which comes apart for flat storage.

I'm trying out some new dazzlers using a tree/hanging basket motif. I love them and think they make an excellent addition to home decor in small nooks & crannies. Any thoughts? I guess we'll see if ppl like them, I'm lined-up for a show mid-March.

Mine is on the right. It fits right in and brings some sparkle
 to the party. Since the rocks are glued on, you can just give it a 
rinse if it becomes dusty over time.

I love the winterscape in the middle, my sister favors
 the stone chip and succulents little one on the right. 

And finally, a tiny (2.5" pot) hanging
succulent basket that will never die.

Thanks for dropping by and I hope you enjoyed it. Have a great day and come again.


  1. Happy anniversary! Love your heart as well as your new dazzlers!

    1. Thanks! It's a lot of fun to make them, and the heart display was more involved than it may look, but it was fun too.

  2. If you were able to have a kiosk at the boatshow with nautical themes, you probably would have done well. Different clientele. You are so creative with those new plant ornaments. How do you come up with all those ideas?

    1. Some start with inspiration from other ppl's projects, most just flow out of my fingers.

  3. Love your little trees and never dying plant.

    1. Thank you! I love them too, they are so cute and sparkly. Thanks for stopping by.
