Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sunrises, our Anniversary, and fun food stuff

 The days roll along and weather teeters between warm & sunny and chilly, damp and breezy, but all in all we'll take it! I still haven't managed to take down our Christmas doodads yet, but so what. It feels too early to put out the spring flower arrangements and door wreaths, so I'll let it ride a bit longer. About a week ago we celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary - whoa! Are we really that old? Oh well, time truly does fly by.  

I received a beautiful flower arrangement and card, and in addition to his card, he also received a wonderful Steak dinner with all the trimmings. We split a huge T-bone and had baked potatoes, sauteed mushrooms & onions and fresh spinach. 

Flowers and cards.

Hastily taken picture before heading to the table
and a bit of a messy plating, whoops.

Several mornings have offered some wonderful sunrises, and we are usually up and out enjoying the spectacle.

Since the first of the year, we have enjoyed a second, very satisfying dinner re-do of the Christmas dinner (turkey, dressing, rice, gravy and roasted veg), and the New Year's Day dinner (ham, black-eyed peas, rice, collards and cornbread), and we are in "hog heaven" over it. Eating well is one of our greatest enjoyments! (look at our waistlines, duh).

I've been indulging my passion for the arts by trying my hand at jewelry making, wire wrapping to be more precise.  Oh, and making "fun" rings too.  As someone said, "I went to the University of Youtube" to learn how to do it, haha. I have several styles to try out: ornate spiral weavings like the one below, or spare, sleek designs. It's fun so far. Purely recreational.

The paperclip and bead bookmarks are fun
to make as well - usually while watching 
auto racing or football.

This morning I tackled making a nice, big batch of sourdough french toast for the freezer. When I want a lazy breakfast, it's scrambled eggs, fruit and french toast. Easy and delicious.

All these go in the freezer, the other 4 pieces
will go on our plates in the morning.

And finally, I just wanted to say how blessed we are to be healthy, happy and well-fed. Thank God the supply chain hasn't gone in the ditch (yet) and we can still have a wonderful selection of fresh fruits and veggies.

I love it when my countertop looks like this!

Thanks for stopping by for a quick peruse at the blog. Enjoy your day!


  1. Congratulations! 47 years is an achievement! I salute you. The jewelry is lovely as is the french toast!

    1. Thanks a bunch for the compliments. I'm a "jack of many crafts but a master of none" although I do alright, I think.

  2. Happy belated anniversary you two and many more to come! It's a good tip to freeze the French toast and when back home I will do so too as we would then enjoy eating it more often. The jewelry pendant is difficult to make for sure and once perfected, you should make more to match your outfits.

    1. Thanks Marlene, I used to think 50 yrs was forever but apparently, it's "doable", haha. I try to keep french toast around and have done the same with pancakes too. I've been buying the "gemstones" on Etsy and have found some good bargains - I haven't broken the bank yet.

  3. Congratulations on the 47! I look forward to our next 10 years to hit that mark. The jewelry looks great, I especially like the bookmarks.

    1. Thanks! I know you'll make it there, y'all seem to have a great sense of humor! Keeping it fun. The bookmarks are super handy primarily because they don't fall out of the book. When I get the dropsy's I can pick the book back up and voila, no problem.
