Monday, September 20, 2021

Last hurrah for auto-touring and upcoming departure

 Well, it's quickly approaching our departure date and we better hop-to-it to get our chores completed. That means cleaning, organizing and eventually winterizing Rocky for the upcoming snow season. We will go through our clothes collection, and pack up the remaining dry goods, cans and jars of food stuffs to bring back home (between the bears and potential freezing temp's it's good just to do a clean sweep). We've started to get busy.  Last night it got down to 34° and I'll bet there was a light dusting of snow in the higher elevations, we're at 7200'.

A few days ago we made a big loop up towards Mt. Evelyn and saw some truly diverse and beautiful landscape. We packed up our sandwiches and fritos, cold drinks too and headed out around 10am. Here are a few shots of this area north of Red Feather Lakes.

We knew it was going to be a great day of sights.

Cherokee Range Wildlife Area

It's kind of hard to see but we're following 
the road you see in the middle of the shot.

Talk about a little bit of everything, butte's, lunarscapes
and lush tree'd slopes too.

A pretty pond in the middle of nowhere

Same pond, looking the other way - so pretty!

A bit blurry, but we've got horses!

Aspens changing color

Getting into ranching country

These folks have some wonderful views 

Talk about layers upon layers - a long view for sure!

Bumper crop of hay, not a bad office is it??

Thanks for bearing with me, lots of shots I know, but I couldn't resist.  Our route was mostly on dirt roads and took us 6 hours. A long day for sure, but we wouldn't have passed it up.  We were astounded that there was that much diversity in the landscape, all within ~60 miles of Rustic.

A great way to burn in the Colorado scenery to tide us over until next year. Thanks for checking it out, and feel free to leave a comment. Next blog might be from the road - stay tuned.


  1. One of our favorite pass times is just driving gravel roads and exploring. Looks like you picked a beautiful route!

    1. It was. We were beat by the time we got back, especially Ed, that's a long drive over rutted dirt roads!

  2. A great day trip. Being a fairly new follower, I'm reading that you leave your rv there and travel to Florida for the winter months? That sounds like some good choices. the best of the best, eh? safe travels, get out before the snow arrives.

    1. Yep, leaving Rocky here during the winter works for us. Not having to tow a 5th wheel across the country is a luxury, the downside being we can't take short side trips. Always a trade-off.

  3. Beautiful photo of the road in the middle with the trees almost surrounding the photo. Such nice area but if it gets that cold already you are right to head out and home to your nice house in Florida. Wishing you a safe trip!

    1. Thanks Marlene, that was a really great wrap-it-up tour. We're heading out soon! Another month before you figure out if you can go? Here's hoping travel is on the table for you and all my northern friends this winter!

  4. The bluest sky ever! Thanks for sharing!

    1. It was the first day in quite a while that wasn't hazy. Thanks for stopping by!
